
Liferay Performance Tuning

Liferay Performance Improvement helps to deliver a high-quality user experience on your website or portal with the help of performance-enhancement and optimization. Speed Up your Liferay portal with our Liferay performance tuning services.

Let’s talk

Liferay Performance Tuning Services

Liferay Performance Tuning is intended to delivering a prompt and reliable user experience of the Liferay portal with the help of performance-enhancing tricks. It also helps your Liferay portal to cope with more traffic without adding additional hardware. If you have a Liferay instance running and want to optimize it, you can use our performance tuning services. We identify optimization areas and provide performance tuning tips for Liferay as well as for the Web, Application, and Database layer.

Let SurekhaTech Take You To Next Level

Contact us
  • At SurekhaTech, we follow the best code optimization techniques with less complexity and faster execution to enhance the performance of the portal. We do proper code reviews with our Liferay experts for the betterment of performance in the portal.

  • We provide services for load balancing whenever one server isn't sufficient to serve the high traffic needs of your portal, with Database Scaling, Search Clustering, Hot Deploy, App Server Configuration, clusters for the distribution of the traffic load, scalability, and availability on the portal.

  • We use the best caching strategies like Apache Configuration for Liferay with KeepAlive, LogLevels, ETag, optimize Thread Pool in Tomcat, optimize Database Thread Pool, Content Delivery Network(CDN) for faster resource delivery, etc.

  • There are also some changes you can make to your portal properties file like load fast CSS, images, JS, and other files as well. We can disable some filters like GZip filter, SSO filter, Sharepoint filter, NTLM Post filter, OpenSSO filter, etc in the portal properties file.

  • Various EhCache caches are maintained by Liferay to store information commonly used by the portal container; tweaking the configuration of these caches can result in a performance gain, depending on cache usage.

  • We make sure that the server has an optimal amount of memory and JVM is tuned to use it. When garbage collection (GC) runs, it stops all processing in the JVM while it goes through the heap looking for dead objects and free memory for dead objects.

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Think Liferay, Think SurekhaTech


Planning & Design

  • POC
  • Architecture
  • Wireframe/ Mockup Design


  • Portlet Development
  • Enterprise Application Integration
  • OOTB Feature Customization
  • Content & Document Management
  • Theme Development

Quality Control

  • Unit Testing
  • Integration Testing
  • Performance Testing


  • Performance Tuning
  • SEO
  • Maintenance Support

We also offer

  • Admin & Developer Training
  • Portal Migration & Upgradation
  • Mobile Solutions

Latest Insights

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Liferay Performance Tuning aims to deliver a fast, reliable user experience of the Liferay website using various performance-enhancing tricks.

There are so many things comes under performance tuning such as:

  1. Caching
  2. JVM Tuning
  3. Code optimization
  4. Database optimization
  5. Load testing
  6. Web server performance check
  7. Portal properties changes
  8. Processing power optimization

We have high-quality development professionals who are knowledgeable and certified developers that will help you in enhancing your customer experience.

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2 - 4 October 2024

Hall: 10, Booth: #B8 Brussels, Belgium